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Town of Boonville


Posted 12:14 am, 12/06/2014

onlyinthefalls: the NC Dept. of Air Quality found that the Town of Boonville was "Illegally burning both brush and synthetics"; that is what the document says. I have taken other action as well, it is truly unreal how difficult it can be to get our Government to Act; as I said, there is a whole lot more to the story, I am just trying to stay focused on the Town of Boonville and get others focused on this as well, because they are the "Really Guilty Parties" in all of this!!!!!!

Please know that I am open to advice, help, and support from anyone who will take interest in what has been going on; thank you for yours, I truly mean that. Please also try to understand how I feel; the Boonville Town Supervisor lied to the Boonville Town Police, the Boonville Town Fire Dept. failed to extinguish the fire, and as a result of the lies and total failure of the paid Government services in Boonville, my family was exposed to numerous toxins; add that to the fact that you had complained for years about the burning, the smell, the fact that you observed that the Town of Boonville would always do this burning in the evening and at night to cover the fact that they were illegally disposing of this waste and continuously endangering the health of my family! Ask yourself, how would you feel if you were in my shoes...

Please help me good Citizens of Boonville and Yadkin County, if not for me, my wife, my children, and my grandchildren.


Posted 11:57 pm, 12/05/2014

Please check out my profile for a picture of your dessert; Creosote treated post, PVC Plastic, paneling, and other plastics with some form of insulation attached... Yummy. So, if your lungs survived this, we will try again next month; this is the Mentality and Actions of our leaders in the Town of Boonville!!!

Check out this link for information on Creosote:


I urge the Citizens of the Town and Community of both Boonville and Yadkin County need to speak up, and act; there is a lot more to this story. If you leave in the Town or Community of Boonville, you, your children, and your grandchildren may have been exposed to this; just as my family has been, repeatedly...
Please sound off, please take action, please stand with me against the people who have committed these atrocities; I need your help, my family needs your help, please...


Posted 7:00 am, 12/05/2014

And what has been the outcome of the NCDAQ investigation?

lots of fun fact about open burning http://daq.state.nc.us/enf/openburn/

I still think your best bet is to be sure that the Journal or one of the TV stations picks this up as a human interest story if nothing else. Have you contacted these folks yet?

"If you need to contact the Journal for any reason, please call toll free 1-800-642-0925 or (336) 727-7211 or contact us online"

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http://myfox8.com/contact/s...p-to-fox8/ this is a link to report a news story to the Fox station in Greensboro.


Posted 1:56 am, 12/05/2014

I need people to know so that the Citizens of Boonville and Yadkin County can Speak Up and Act on these and other very wrong activities by the Town of Boonville. I want these people held accountable for their Blatant acts of Total Disregard, Disrespect, and Lawlessness; I did already get the Town of Boonville reported to NCDAQ and other sources; problem is that these organizations cannot file criminal charges, and all of the people involved in this should be criminally charged; if you will knowingly and willfully endangers others with illegal acts, you should not be leading a community, and you should charged criminally. There is a whole lot more to this entire story, it goes back years with numerous infractions by the Town of Boonville; I would love to get the entire truth and story out to the good people of both the Town of Boonville and the County of Yadkin. I want to know that the Town of Boonville is held responsible for the potential Long Term health affects of being continuously exposed, on a monthly bases for at least 7 years to numerous Toxins and Carcinogens released into the atmosphere from all this Illegal disposal of waste; not just my family, but many others in the Town and Community of Boonville have been exposed to this, which can cause an Army of different health issues (especially lung and heart related), even premature death can result; damage has been done!!!


Posted 1:23 am, 12/05/2014

Check up my profile for yet another picture of Illegal Burning and Illegal Disposal of Waste by Town of Boonville.

You can see in this picture that the Boonville Town Supervisor and Boonville Town Hall knew they were burning things illegally; this picture shows how they would conceal the "Bulk Collection" items mixed into brush to burn it. Proof they knowingly and willingly committed illegal acts, as well as proof the Town of Boonville knowingly and willingly endangered my family's health and the health of other Citizens in the Town and Community of Boonville by burning hazard waste illegally; they knew it was illegal and they knew burning this waste would release toxic fumes, and they did it anyway.

Your 1st coarse was some good old burnt mattress, now that your family's home and lungs are filled with the Toxic fumes from this, how about your 2nd coarse; now it's time for Lungs to breath in Toxic Fumes from Treated Lumber (Formaldehyde) and PVC Plastic (Chlorine Gas); Stay tuned for your desert...


Posted 4:11 pm, 12/04/2014

I met Rusty Hunter once and was very favorably impressed on that occasion. Evidently lots of voters where also favorably impressed.
One Boonville mayor of the past was a real A-hole, thrilled that a Dollar General came to town and then kicked out a person who was living in the kind of housing that Dollar General wages could provide.


Posted 2:41 pm, 12/04/2014

fixit4Him, the others have provided you with some great advice. I would also like to add that, in my opinion, Mayor Rusty Hunter should resign.


Posted 1:40 pm, 12/04/2014

fixit, I'll say again that public comment sessions have time limits. Do you want to get your message out, or just whine about some seeming injustice? If you are granted time on the agenda you have become part of the public record, if you are refused time on the agenda to discuss legitimate town business you have another complaint to take to the council of governments, the large regional newspapers and or other traditional media. It just continues to build the case.

Do you really expect the town to change its tactics just because you say so? They either feel they are doing no wrong, you are wrong or they are willfully breaking the law. The third option is where you can get some legitimate assistance and effect some change.


Posted 9:00 am, 12/04/2014

Take our advice and can them. Screw talking to them in a meeting, they were in control and on their turf. You are in control when you pick up that phone and make those calls.


Posted 8:56 am, 12/04/2014

onlyinthefalls, the entire meeting was over at 7:40pm, max; I did not leave until entire meeting was over, I was at my house at 7:48pm. The Town knew in advance that I was coming, there was no other person(s) present for Public Comment, basically nobody was at the Town Meeting; therefore there was no legitiment reason for Mayor Hunter to limit time for anyone this past Tuesday; I could understand if the room had been full, but with prior notice that I was coming and no other people present, this was nothing but another attempt to silence those who would speak out against the lawlessness of the Town of Boonville...


Posted 7:34 am, 12/04/2014

The dog has put a little more thought in this. First thing is the fire department hose jockeys know better and their ignorance or turning their head is no excuse. Second thing is under nc law each town must have or contract with a fire marshall, go ahead and contact him and have him put in writing why this has been going on and get the inspection reports on all the businesses if they even exist.

The epa is where to start first as one poster has already given you the number. They wont waste a second getting there.

I assume your local paper boy "news paper person" is like all the rest of the small papers they sit on their tails and wait for someone to bring them the ladies club activities. Call wxii or fox8.


Posted 6:50 am, 12/04/2014

Fixit, It is not uncommon for there to be a time limit on the public comment section of an agenda, who knows how many people will show up for the meeting, and some order has to be maintained. If you have a lengthy presentation to make I'd suggest contacting the individual in charge of establishing the agenda for the meeting and requesting time to make a presentation as an agenda item. If you do this and provide your documentation ahead of time as well as your photos and written comments this information is then entered into the public record, or at least it should be. I'd then invite the media to your presentation, as I've suggested before, and get the word out to a much larger audience.

Even if the system is corrupt, trying to work around it as opposed to within it and through it will only make if more frustrating for you.

I would not threaten to report the activity, I'd just report it, let the folks who are responsible for investigating investigate and resolve these issues.


Posted 2:52 am, 12/04/2014

To further give everyone an idea of the mentality of Town of Boonville, or at least the ones who "run it" I will give a couple more details and comments from The Boonville Town Meeting on December 2nd, 2012:

One the meeting progressed to section "IV" (Public Comments) of the agenda, I stood up and introduced myself; once I did so Mayor Hunter said he "would allow me 3 minutes to speak". Now why did Mayor Hunter only agree to give me only 3minutes to speak; was it because if I had a lot to say that mayor Hunter and the Boonville Town Board would have stay an actually log some time at a meeting they get paid to attend, it had to be at least 7:15 by then (meeting started at 7:00). There must of been a football game on TV or something like that, you know, matters of much greater importance,...

After I did speak and began showing a few of photos of this mess, Mayor Hunter told me I needed to wrap it up, it had to be at least 7:30 by now, that is when commissioner (not to be named presently) spoke up and said, "yea, he did go over his three minutes". It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that the Destruction of Private Property, Theft of Personal Property, Illegal Burning for years that filled my yard and home with Smoke Filled Toxins for my wife, children and grandchildren to breath, was only worth 3 minutes of this Commissioners time...


Posted 12:58 am, 12/04/2014

Check out my profile for a picture of a burnt mattress and as from it, as well as ash from other burnt items. Please keep in mind that Boonville Town did monthly pick up of "Bulk Items" and brush, instead of disposing of any of this legally, they were mixing it and burning it every month for years! The items collected in a Bulk Item pick up was all the refuse (trash) that was unlawful to dispose of with regular refuse (trash) collection; bad stuff!!! The Town of Boonville really cates for its Citizens; not...

Nature 7

Posted 12:51 am, 12/04/2014

fixitforhim, I am glad you posted this story. Other citizens need to know. DO fight it all and good luck. It's a shame you even have to, but do it!


Posted 9:08 pm, 12/03/2014

I really thought I had seen it all.

Call the epa like the poster said and they will light a fire up the ***es of the town they wont soon forget. Next contact the town attorney and tell him what you want done and the amount of damages incurred to the property. Give the attorney a dead line and promise him a suit will follow if you are not satisfied.

Please keep us informed.


Posted 5:34 pm, 12/03/2014

Fixit4Him, This kind of crap goes on in every community. Scum politicians and cops universally believe they are above the law. Posting this here is exactly what you need to do my friend, contrary to the opinion of this other ' person.' Get the news out to as many people as you can and do not waste your money in our corrupt legal system enriching some attorney. If enough people locally become upset by this, you can have your change. But they gotta hear about it to get upset! God bless.


Posted 8:00 am, 12/03/2014

Fixit; I think you and the citizen referenced in your post would be well served to take formal action against the town, if, as you say you have all the evidence necessary to prove your allegations. Some places to start would be to contact the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, their environmental emergency number is 800-858-0368.

The property violation will have to be on your own dime, hire an attorney and file suit in court for what ever charges you feel need to be filed on. You could attempt to contact the reporter assigned to the Boonville area from the Winston Salem paper, they may choose to investigate but then again they may not.

Posting on this web site may make you feel better but it will not stop the problems you are alleging.


Posted 10:54 pm, 12/02/2014

Tonight (12/2/14) at a Boonville Town Meeting, Mayor Rusty Hunter told an individual reading a written complaint against the Town of Boonville to stop reading, the individual continued to read and Mayor Rusty Hunter raised his voice and told him to sit down and shut up, to take it to court. This individual then asked for a "Point of Clarification" concerning the meeting, the individual asked if the meeting was being conducted by the "Rules of Parliamentary Procedures", in accordance with the law; Mayor a Rusty Hunter raised his voice even more and told the individual to sit down and shut up now, or he (Mayor Hunter) would have him removed. This individual was given the floor and in accordance with the "Rules of Parliamentary Procedures" had every right to formally read this complaint before the Mayor and Boonville Town Board; Mayor Hunter was acting just like our current president; that the Laws, Procedures, And Rules that govern this country ate secondary to him, he is above them. The complaint being read was concerning the Destruction of Private Property and Theft of over 15,000 Board Feet of lumber by the Town of Boonville on private property in the Town of Boonville. The Town of Boonville had the only copy an "Easement" on the backside of this property, they knowingly and willfully caused massive damage to "Said" property; the Town of Boonville did knowingly and willingly remove over 15,000 Board Feet of Lumber from "Said" property. Instead of hearing an individual out with a formal, justifiable, and provable complaint, he told the individual to sit down and shut, to "Take it to Court"; so instead of hearing a good upstanding Citizen of the Town of Boonville and their complaint, he trembled all over this individuals rights, again! Instead of sitting down and talking like adults to reach a possible solution, Mayor Hunter would rather it go to court and cost the Citizens of Boonville even more money; he would rather act like he is above any Laws, Procedures, or rules...
To further this, the same individual has concrete proof that Mayor Rusty Hunter, the Boonville Town Board, and the Boonville Town manager did knowingly and willfully Illegally dispose of "Bulk Items" collected monthly by the Town of Boonville. Many of the items that the Town of Boonville was "Illegally" disposing of release toxins and carcinogens when burned; the release of theses toxins and carcinogens can and will have lasting health affects to anyone exposed to them as well as the environment. Mayor Hunter and the Town of Boonville did knowingly and willfully expose my family and many others in the Town and Community of Boonville to these extremely harmful fumes from the "Illegal" burning of items that have been outlawed to be burned for decades; people who were sworn to up hold the law, to look after the interest of the Citizens of Boonville, to look after the well being of the Citizens of Boonville, had complete and total disregard for everyone of us. To further add insult to this injury of "Public Trust", the Town of Boonville collected fees from the Citizens of the Town of Boonville for the "Legal" disposal of both "Brush" and "Bulk Item Pick Up", what was done with these fees since the Town of Boonville did not use them for the "Legal" Disposal of "Said" items?
On the day that this was first reported, "an unattended fire" burning openly in a field on City property, both the Boonville Police Dept. and Boonville Fire Department responded to the call; the responding officer spoke to the "Town Supervisor" and he informed the officer that he was only burning brush; it is illegal for any Town, Municipality, or Corporation to burn anything, even brush, the responding officer did not know the law. Once the Officer was off the phone with the "Town Supervisor" he (the officer) dismissed the Boonville Fire Dept, the fire was not inspected, nor was it extinguished; even when an individual or City can "Legally Burn", it becomes a crime if the fire is left burning and unattended; this time the Boonville officer did not act upon Law, they (the Town of Boonville) know, they have "Cited" Citizens for this. Mayor Hunter, and the Town of Boonville failed every Citizen that day, as well as numerous days every month for seven years with this illegal burning and illegal disposal of harmful waste. This goes deeper, because of the falsehood told by the Boonville Town Supervisor and the lack of knowledge by the responding Boonville Police Officer, they caused the Boonville Fire Dept to break the law and not perform their sworn civic duty; much more than this, we as Citizens of the Town of Boonville pay these people to do a job, and to do it "Legally".
Mayor Hunter, the Town Board of Boonville, and the Town Supervisor do not want you to know how they have broken the Laws of the Town of Boonville, County of a Yadkin, State of North Carolina, and the United States of America. My closing and final comment for tonight: it took me over 9 months to get a return phone call from the Boonville Town Chief of Police on this matter; when we spoke, the Boonville a Chief of Police said, "I have no intension of pressing any charges, or even investigating these allegations". I guess he feels that Mayor Hunter and the Town of Boonville are above the law, just like Mayor Hunter.
***PS: I have photos, documents, and witnesses to every word stated in this post***I
Sound of to the Town of Boonville concerning this if you find this upsetting or disturbing as I have; there are many people in the Town and Community of Boonville who have been wronged and very possibly exposed to all theses toxins and carcinogens just as I and my family have...

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