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Posted 2:34 pm, 04/16/2014

Posted 8:05 pm, 04/15/2014

So, I will have to ****. With all this c-r-a-p on here, she needs the help and the money to be her own person without him if necessary..


Posted 2:33 pm, 04/16/2014


Here is the edited post where I stated that "I would have to vote for he for Clerk of Court"

The quote was replaced by *****.

What was wrong with this post trying to support a person.


Posted 2:17 pm, 04/16/2014


Two different threads on this site are about Trooper Mendenhall, they are an indirect attack on his wife who is running for a Yadkin Co. Office. These posters are working to get at her through a dirtly political attack using her husband. My post stating that I would vote for her was deleted.


Posted 1:45 pm, 04/16/2014

I broke no rules with my posts, I just stated something Jason personally disagreed with.

Jason doesn't delete just because he doesn't agree. I can pretty much guarantee that he wouldn't agree with half of what I post on gowilkes and like I said....I can't recall ever being deleted.


Posted 1:27 pm, 04/16/2014

What thread was this on and what was your post about?


Posted 1:26 pm, 04/16/2014

Advocate-when Jason edits or deletes posts he usually leaves the poster name, date and time of post and explains why he deleted it. I may have overlooked it, but I can't find where one of yours was changed.

And....I'm nobody's concubine.


Posted 1:21 pm, 04/16/2014


I broke no rules with my posts, I just stated something Jason personally disagreed with.

However, I do believe that your copulating with the DOG has clouded your vision due to retno-a****initus setting in. Dog has a way with making something bad out of everything and corrupts his concubines.


Posted 9:32 am, 04/16/2014

You peeps just need to read the rules. READ the rules. It's the same rules for all these sites. The ones that are complaining are actually the ones breaking the rules. I've been on these sites for years and I'm a very opinionated person, lol. Abortion, same-sex marriage, politics, religion, etc.- hundreds of comments on posts. Never have I had a problem with Jason deleting what I post. Post on topics like that for a while and see how long it takes to get "threatened", lol. I can't ever remember whining to Jason and ....I'm a girl, lol.


Posted 7:50 am, 04/16/2014

JoeBob, how the **** do you think I got scammed when I was the one to originally call it an April fools prank? What kind of stupid Barney logic is that? I hope they keep you writing parking tickets instead of investigating.


Posted 7:31 am, 04/16/2014

Joe bob I never did hear what trailer trash clan that wife of yours belongs to. Is it one that has the door about worn off the hinges by different men?


Posted 7:28 am, 04/16/2014

You little pansies leave because a post got deleted? Fins and I have had thousands removed, flaggs placed on us and we are still here. I guess that what separates the men from the boys so to speak.


Posted 6:24 am, 04/16/2014

Jason, edited my latest post and deleted the next to last post. So he can stick this website.



Posted 6:11 am, 04/16/2014

Joe bob I think you are seeing now a clear understanding of our intelligence and power.


Posted 3:46 am, 04/16/2014

How can that be deemed a threat of violence when no one knows who my wife is and no one knows who fins and underdog are?

How would I know whether you know their identity? Your post was clearly communicating a threat, and if underdog2 were to go to the Sheriff's office and say that he believes you know his identity and are seriously threatening him, the police would potentially charge you with a Class 1 misdemeanor:

The removal was for your own protection, as well as enforcing the rules of the website (which you still have clearly failed to read).

For your reference, this is a clear threat to shoot underdog2, as a bullet from a .45 pistol travels at 1100 ft/ sec (emphasis added by me):

I just want underdog to meet my wife, just for a brief second in time, and to be within 300 feet of her. I figure that would be close enough when life travels at 1100 feet per second.

But you only choose to delete what you deem a personal attack.

No, I'm the moderator. It's my job to "delete what I deem a personal attack."

Joe Friday

Posted 12:12 am, 04/16/2014

I'm not sure how you think these are related. You don't think that people should be able to complain about the jobs of public servants, but they should be able to make racist and anti-gay threads?

Regardless, the Terms & Conditions clearly forbid personal attacks and libelous posts, so regardless, your statement is wrong.

(But you only choose to delete what you deem a personal attack. You are a joke and a hypocrite)

Joe Friday

Posted 12:07 am, 04/16/2014

How can that be deemed a threat of violence when no one knows who my wife is and no one knows who fins and underdog are?

Who reported that as a possible threatening post? There where no threats. I only stated I wish they could meet each other? Then maybe they wouldn't think so bad of my wife.
Again one sided!

Joe Friday (view profile)
Posted 12:39 am, 04/15/2014
Yes Carlton you are right. And I suppose calling my wife a wh*re is completely appropriate given the education and intellect of some of the posters here.

Posted 12:07 pm, 04/14/2014
I'd love to talk about wh*res friday, where do you want to start? You wife maybe? I know a barneys wife?

But hey, I don't want this flagged or removed. I just want underdog to meet my wife, just for a brief second in time

Note from GoYadkin: a portion of this post was removed because it was a threat of violence.

Joe Friday

Posted 11:45 pm, 04/15/2014

Nope if anyone got scammed, it's the Carlton, fins and dog. By admitting that it was an April fools joke, only shows your ignorance, not mine. I created it.
And by Carlton saying the detectives have been in the news, well is basically a lie. I can't find where either detective was displayed or quoted. Just like the lie he was called out on and admitted to about removing certain threads.
Which continues to shows that he himself can acknowledge a thread and or post, and say it meets the terms of libel but doesn't do anything about it because it wasn't "reported" (he has an obligation according to my attorney and it's called contributory negligence). All I have to prove is he was "made aware"
I think by acknowledging it on a thread and saying its libel is enough to determine he saw it and chose not to do anything about it, which proves point three, it's all one sided.
The only thugs appear to be Carlton, fins, and underdog- which I'm pretty sure by the IP address is the same people. But who cares.
You can't get blood from a turnip and you can't teach uneducated, intellectually challenged, misguided, one sided, ignorant people whose IQ when all three added together is a negative two.
So keep up the good work. People are board with your website.
If you can't hold intellectual conversation then all you will be left with is Carlton talking to himself.
Call me what you want too, but the facts still stand, you all have been weighed, measured, and found...... Well...... Found...... Stupid.
Best word I can find to describe you all (three)
Thank you for making my points for me, I knew all I had to do was throw a little out there and you all three would bite!


Posted 11:02 pm, 04/15/2014

For the record, the ability and limitations of technology disproved the idiotic drones thread. Not to mention that the day after April 1, all of the links that Joe Bob posted were dead, proving he got scammed with an April fools joke


Posted 10:54 pm, 04/15/2014

I think that the site is one sided. I think Carlton sits in his computer throne and allows certain groups and individuals to be bashed on here. If, for example, there was a thread started about h*mosexuals, Hispanics, African Americas, LGBT's then it would immediately get deleted.

That's not really true at all; people make anti-whatever threads all the time throughout the GoNC network. We do block and/or remove racist terms, etc, but people have always been free to discuss their beliefs and ideas.

This in no way implies that I approve of their beliefs, but I do fully believe that you can't expect to change someone's opinion by restricting their ability to talk about it.

Or, for that matter, by berating them in multiple threads and calling them names.

I started a thread that said a drone was extracting private information from people's home. And then supplying that information to law enforcement enabling them to make drug arrest. All those threads and post have been deleted. However, absurd it sounds, it can't be disproved. Carlton and or goyadkin felt it was not true and irrelevant to conversation, so they removed it.

Quite the opposite; you made numerous posts in multiple threads about this "drone", when the thread had nothing to do with it. Your intent was clearly to troll underdog2.

Now, with that, it's ok to insult you, your spouse, your children, certain groups (law enforcement, EMS, fire departments, public works, state agencies) and public officials.

I'm not sure how you think these are related. You don't think that people should be able to complain about the jobs of public servants, but they should be able to make racist and anti-gay threads?

Regardless, the Terms & Conditions clearly forbid personal attacks and libelous posts, so regardless, your statement is wrong.

In another thread goyadkin did not delete the names of the detectives and or the judge and continued to allow people to pass judgement on them professionally and personally. With a judge being an elected official, they (she) put herself out there for some criticism. But I do not think it is fair to name officers by name and then continue to bash them. Yes, he remove the state troopers name, however leaves the detectives names on the thread, actually he started, and gave the officer's names.

This has already been discussed numerous times. See the post made at 5:16pm on 3/24/14, here:

GoYadkin (view profile)

Posted 5:16 pm, 03/24/2014

I did refer to people by name, but it was not a violation of the Terms. The people to which I referred are publicly known, and by the Terms & Conditions:

7. What is your policy on giving real names?
Names and other identifying information are generally prohibited, with a few exceptions. The forum is moderated by a real person, and while some names are blocked by default, others will usually be removed as quickly as possible.

The exceptions are elected officials or public figures, and business names. For instance, an accountant may operate a business of John Doe, CPA, and in that case discussion the name would be allowed as long as the discussion pertains to the business.

You may also give the name of someone that is publicly known or that has been in the news, but you can generally only discuss the topic for which this person is publicly known. For instance, you can discuss the abilities of a local athlete, but can't discuss their relationships or personal attributes.

The Detective, Sergeant, and Judge are all publicly known (they have all been in the news numerous times), and we are discussing their job performance. This is perfectly acceptable based on the Terms.

This is also covered in the brief introduction to which new users have to click "I Agree" before they can post:

2. Whistle Blowers. If you have witnessed an illegal activity, you can post the details only if you can prove your accusation, AND if you are able to provide your real, verifiable name to the moderators. If you cannot prove your accusation, then it is considered libel.

The entire conversation between all parties involved was done by email (I refused to discuss it outside of email), and on government-owned computers. This means that the entire conversation is public record.

Further, I am not making any comments anonymously, but using my own verifiable name.

Thus, we meet all of the conditions required in order to make this claim.

As you have been told numerous times, you really should read the Terms & Conditions of the site before you start accusing people of violating them.


Posted 7:00 pm, 04/15/2014

If you are such a victim and and treeated so poorly by the public, then quit. No one twisted your arm to be a Barney.

Oh, but then you wouldnt get the power trip from carrying a badge and a gun. Yeah... I forgot about that part

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