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Our country will soon be ripped apart


Posted 12:09 pm, 04/16/2021

We Americans with our God, Bibles, and guns are the only thing standing in the way of the globalist's "great reset"

We are not powerless to stop this, especially at the county level. I know for a fact that any aggressors that would try mass gun confiscation in my community would be fired upon from every direction plus some other nasty surprises.
I love my God given freedom and have been getting ready for their assault on us for about a decade now, so pray for peace, but these commies and human devils want war, slavery, and our deaths. We must respond in kind. We did not start this. My children are certainly worth dying for so they may live free.


Posted 9:54 pm, 04/14/2021

Are you ready for a supreme court that no longer upholds the Constitution? The commies want to add 4 seats with their puppet judges giving them complete control of all three branches of government

Are you ready for federal control of all law enforcement which is what they're talking about when they say abolish the police? Which includes the police and deputies here being replaced with armed brownshirts
Are you ready for 50 million illegals coming across our border in the next few years? g*ngb*ngers and drug traffickers and literal slave traders
Are you ready to be stripped of every protection in the Bill of Rights? No freedom of speech, no self defense, no right to be secure in your own home from government intrusion, no due process,etc
The list grows daily
Are you ready to fight? You better be

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