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Illegal Disposal of Waste by Town of Boonville


Posted 10:37 pm, 01/12/2015

While its illegal to burn leaves where there is leaf pick up it is still legal to burn them where there is no pick up as long as you meet the ordinances. With all the air pollution standards placed on everything from weed eaters to coal burning boilers it likely past time to end burning leaves statewide.


Posted 9:26 am, 01/06/2015


As you stated Fixit needs to lighten up and live life and not be hung up on an issue that has based on his latest posts already been taken care of by the authorities.

Yes, lots of us do burns, I did a burn after removing the tin roof from a tobacco barn and contacting the Fire Chief and getting a burn permit. There are two metal burn barrels up the road from my house that are used regularly by neighbors. I too burn cat litter paper and cat droppings on occasion, but I have no houses within a few hundred feet of my burn site. Neighbors regularly burn leaves on my road, but I do not. I have another building I plan to burn after removing the metal roof and having the Fire Dept involved in the burn.

I have never complained about what my neighbors do for those who cast stones had better have a clean slate on their end.

Fixit, is far from perfect per his posts, trapped in a fog of distrust, unable to move on, unable to give and take, biased to the hilt, headed for a complete breakdown of sorts sooner or later. Inflexible folks and things break sooner or later or turn into hermits..


Posted 6:40 am, 01/06/2015

Years ago, like many neighbors, I used a trash "burn" barrel, and you still see some in use, clearly visible from the road.

I know of three local Farmer Browns that have been fined 5000 bucks for illegal burning. One, an unpainted small barn with rusty tin, two others, burning paper fertilizer sacks.

The local fire departments routinely burn houses for practice, even though supposedly removing hazards.

It's all about who makes the rules, enforces them, and who can pay fines.

Life ain't perfect. It gets even less perfect if you piss off the neighbors, whether they're individuals or organizations. If you stay pissed off all the time, then that might be more harmful to your health than other things.

The stinky burning will probably cease. Life goes on. Supposedly, toxins to kill us are everywhere, and have been for years. The obits show some die young, some old. Cross your fingers and try to find some joy in life before it's too late.


Posted 11:28 pm, 01/05/2015

HowStupid, if you actually saw and read the "Document" from the NCDAQ, you would have seen that this document states the Town of Boonville was caught, "Illegally burning both brush and Synthetics"; did the Town of Boonville readily admit to that, or was that left out? Or did you simply forget to post that part? The same document also states that the ",Town Supervisor" readily admitted to "Regular Burnings" by the Town of Boonville; this is stated in the letter as well, were you shown that part as well, did the the Town of Boonville readily admit to that?

Not to mention the complete and total failure of every single part of " The a Town of Boonville; the fact that the Mayor, Town Board, and Town Supervisor all knowingly illegally disposed of "Synthetics" (mattresses, Creosote treated post, PVC and numerous other plastics); the fact the Town Supervisor lied to the Boonville Town Police; the fact that the Boonville Town Police failed to inspect the fire and instructed the Boonville Fire Dept. to leave; the fact that the Boonville Fire Dept. failed to inspect and extinguish an unattended fire burning in a field; the fact that it took the Boonville Police Chief 9 months to return a call, and when he did, he stated, "I have no intensions of filing any charges, or even investigating these allegations". Everyone needs to wake up an realize that the same can happen to you and your family, that our current "Leaders" and "Public Services", that we all pay for, are nothing but a bunch of something that either have no idea of what they are doing, or they just feel they can trample over other people that they feel are below them!!!! Wake up people, before it is too late, it may be you next time...


Posted 4:49 am, 12/22/2014

I will gladly meet with anyone and show you what all the Town of Boonville was burning, as well as other laws that have been broken by them, both knowingly and willingly. The analysis of both ash and soil collected from the " Burn Site" in Boonville tells a very grim story by itself...

I am not here to argue, I simply wanted others to know the truth about the so called "Leaders" of the Town of Boonville and how they ignore the Laws that have been established to protect both people and the environment.

It is Christmas, I will focus on celebrating the birth of my Lord and Savior, that which is good and upright; He knows the truth and those who are hiding behind their deceit here on earth will not be able to hide what they have done to others when before His judgement throne. Gods hope is, "that none should perish, but all should repent", so stand I with God... Merry Christmas to all, may we all remember that we celebrate the birth of Christ our Savior, the gift of hope to all mankind; not what we have or can give in material items!!!


Posted 4:27 am, 12/22/2014

The Town of Boonville was not just burning brush, that is the whole problem, it if was just brush, I would not have had such an issue with what they were doing; still does not change the fact that "Burning Brush" is illegal for them to do. The whole issue is that they were illegally burning "Synthetics" from "Bulk Item" pickup for years; this has a considerable amount more of illegality than just burning brush. This is not to mention that the Town of Boonville collect fees from every Citizen of the Town of Boonville for the "Legal Disposal" of the items collected monthly in "Bulk Item" pick up, what did they do with the money collected for the "Legal" disposal of these items? This was not just a 1 time occurrence, the Town of Boonville did this for years; I would call and complain and was lied to for years by the Town of Boonville, as was every Citizen in Boonville. Perhaps if someone filled your house, your wife's lungs, your children's lungs, and your grandchildren's lungs with Dioxins for years while lying about what they were doing, you would be upset as well.

PS: Not 1 single person running the Town of Boonville has been charged with any crimes for all the laws that they have broken; had an individual been caught doing this, they would be in jail, that is a fact.

Nature 7

Posted 11:03 pm, 12/16/2014

Thanks to poster "HowStupid". Things were not making sense. Now it does.


Posted 8:51 am, 12/16/2014

Irregardless of his mental state he did bring to light the town of Booneville breaking the law and It took a state agency to come in and make them stop. This is totally unacceptable on the towns part playing dumb on the law.

I guess the mayor and the city council have grown tired of having it pointed out how ignorant they are.

fiesta pantalones

Posted 7:58 am, 12/16/2014

That confirms what I was thinking too. He sounded a little too much like the crazy people who were constantly trying to cause trouble through the county manager when my wife worked there. I know politicians can be dirty because we sure had some bad ones in this county, but this guy just had the stink of a whack job.

Another clue was he had his real name on his profile when he started these rants but then removed it. That is probably because local people already knew him and that he was crazy.


Posted 7:51 am, 12/16/2014

Just as everyone thought.. fixit was crying over something that had already been handled. To much second hand smoke as a child, or lead base paint. HowStupid got to the bottom of the problem easily and with little effort . Good job!


Posted 7:06 am, 12/16/2014

Good job Howstupid! With regards to the town getting caught illegally burning is really unacceptable that the town and ifs officials all the way down to the fire department knew better but broke the law. This makes enforcing town ordinances problematic when the town cant even follow the law. Booneville is not the first town to thumb their nose at the law to later be caught by the epa.


Posted 2:11 am, 12/16/2014

My Diagnosis from last week was correct per How's latest post.

"You are correct, Fix has most likely already passed his/her problems on to their children.

The postings reflect an intelligent person, suffering from a Paranold-Schizophrenic disorder. Which is refected in a history of growing suspiciousness, and difficulty in interpersonal relationships. A tendency toward absurd, illogical and changeable delusions.

Some of these posts are clearly delusional in nature and compound the issues the individual is trying to convey. They are filled with unproveable statements, and may as well claim that the sky is falling for example.

This disorder is often hereditary and passed on in the genes to off spring.

Fix needs to sit down with his pyschologist and/or go back on his/her medications. "

A clue can be found from reading his Profile.


Posted 11:43 pm, 12/15/2014

I have been reading this for several days now and was becoming very concerned with what you have been saying, so I took it upon myself to go and talk to some Town of Boonville officials and found some very interesting information about this. It seems (if I am being told correctly) that you are only telling half of the story. I see now why you have not gone by the advice that the other readers have told you about contacting the EPA. Would it be that you have already done so and that the state came in right away and the Town of Boonville complied with everything the state told them they had to do in order to meet all of the requirements. I was told that the "State" closed the case after the Town did as they were instructed. I was also told that the person that has the problem with the town has been told many times to contact the Town attorney if he has any problems with the town. I know there are at least 2 sides to every story...however, I don't believe ANYTHING you say after what I found out. They have the paperwork to cover their side of the story and they quickly admitted to getting into hot water for burning brush. Now let's hear your side again. Maybe I missed something.


Posted 9:29 pm, 12/13/2014

If the town of Booneville has done all you have described on this forum and you contacted all the agencies we should have already heard the repercussions of such. Given you continue to go on and on about it on here gave me some funny thoughts over a week ago.


Posted 8:15 pm, 12/13/2014

All, I am not posting to argue with any of you, I am posting because there has been a continual escalation of Lawlessness by the Town of Boonville over time, they need to be reigned in and held accountable for every Illegal act they have done!!! God bless you all, and God bless America...


Posted 8:12 pm, 12/13/2014

Fiesta, and any others interested: Check out my profile for a picture of only part of the Timber Illegally removed from my property, just so you will know; I am not exaggerating about this, you can see that the logs are all large diameter virgin timber, average diameter over 32" on all the logs show in picture, this is only part of what was Illegally removed...


Posted 1:16 pm, 12/13/2014

It does my heart good to hear people speaking out against the government for their wrongs. Governments large and small are doing a piss poor job and becoming increasing like dictators towards us 'peasants.' The founding fathers of this nation would hang most of the people in power today because they have sold out to the love of money. Read the Bill Of Rights. There's teeth in there. It absolutely affirms our God given rights that no one can take away. Unless you let them.


Posted 11:34 am, 12/13/2014

The Town of Boonville (Mayor, Town Board, Supervisor, Police Dept, and Fire Dept) have all had knowledge of everything I have posted on this Board from the time these terrible acts were committed, they have all done nothing to correct any of these issues or short comings by their lack of actions and failure to follow both the Laws and Oaths sworn by them; not to mention that they have been paid by Tax dollars to break the laws of our state, knowingly and willingly cause harm to others, and then knowingly and willing fail to act to correct any issue; this makes them all Derelict in the Sworn and Paid duties....

Need I remind you, the Boonville Chief of Police took 9 months to call me back, after repeated request for a call from him over the Illegal Burning of Synthetics; when he did finally contact me, he stated, "I have no intensions of pressing charges or even investigating these allegations... Once again, the Town of Boonville failing to Protect and Serve the interest of my family and every Citizen in the Town of Boonville, not to mention his Sworn Duty; just like the Mayor, Town Board, and Town Supervisor have done as well...


Posted 11:19 am, 12/13/2014

The Destruction of Private Property, the Removal of Timber (Theft), the Illegal Burning of Brush, the Illegal Burning of Synthetics, the Boonville Town Supervisor Lying to Boonville Police and Boonville Fire Dept., the Boonville Police failing to act in accordance with the Laws and Sworn Duty to Protect and Serve, the Boonville Fire Dept. failing to act in accordance with the Laws and Sworn Duty to Protect and Serve, the Boonville Mayor and Town Board failing to correct any issues and trying to cover all this up (hide things from Public Knowledge); are all Crimes, that is why I keep bringing them up; not only are they all Crimes, the Boonville Town Supervisor, Mayor, and Town Board have committed all these actions against me and my family; I guess none of you would protect your family and property from individuals who have shown themselves time and time again to have total Disregard for me, my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and every Citizen in the Town of Boonville; not to mention the Laws that are supposed to protect us, the Oaths they all have sworn to, and the pay they have received to do their jobs properly and in accordance with the Law and Oaths sworn.

Just so all will know, there is much more, not to be posted here unfortunately...


Posted 11:06 am, 12/13/2014

All, there is nothing stated that is untruthful, exaggerated, or not 100% able to be proven with evidence; at least not by me. The Document from NCDAQ (NC Dept. Of Air Quality) shows that they (NCDAQ) caught Boonville Illegally Burning Brush and worse, Illegally Burning Synthetics; it advises that it is and has been Illegal to burn anything by the Town of Boonville. In the same Document by NCDAQ, the Boonville Town Supervisor admitted to "Regular Burnings" by the Town of Boonville. There are bunches of photos and other documents that backup and support everything I have stated!!!

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