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Fracking in Yadkin's future


Posted 12:33 am, 07/28/2014

agreed. huge difference between transportation and distribution systems vs altering the stone beneath our land.

politicians lie. it's what they do. anyone who believes anything they say is a FOOL. Say what you will, but their job is to say whatever they can to convince you to keep voting for them so they pad their wallets. They LIE about--- well just about everything that comes out of their mouths, period. reports and such can be twisted any which way. so---- sorry if I don't believe what they or their misleading, misdirecting reports say.

common sense says... you take something that has settled over thousands of years and become stable in the ground below you, then you suck it out and replace it with WATER or whatever they pump in, and expect NOTHING to change?????? people who believe that are completely utterly STUPID.

all the reports in the world that say fracking is OK are lies. just ask people who never had earthquakes before, or sinkholes, then now they do after fracking is started. not to mention the chemical alteration of the water and land, and not to mention what common sense says.

NO WAY fracking in this county. NO WAY fracking in this state. They can go frack themselves ELSEWHERE.

It's not worth padding a few rich b*terd's wallets since they will the be ONLY ones to profit. Nor is it worth it for what------ a handful of jobs? And jobs that will last what---- a few years? And jobs that will pay what---- minimum wage or maybe a little better? So we allow fracking in a state of MILLIONS of people just to benefit a hundred or so people? wth.

People who think fracking is a good idea have a fracking hole in their heads as indicated by having nothing in between their ears anymore.


Posted 5:10 pm, 07/27/2014

A railroad or a interstate are not good comparisons to fracking.


Posted 4:41 pm, 07/27/2014

"We will not allow this here."

Many years ago the direct route west was through Yadkin Co. and "We will not allow the railroad here."

This cost Yadkin Co. millions upon millons of dollars in revenue over the years and caused industry to locate along the railroad in Surry and Wilkes County where many, many Jobs were created.

This was a big factor in Yadkin Co. not having a Walmart, Lowes and other big retail giants in our county.

Isolationism at it best, just say no and bury your head in the sand and it will go away along with the jobs and retail growth.


Posted 2:40 pm, 07/27/2014

A fool you say? No, informed is what I am unlike you apparently. Fracking done properly harms nothing and only provides energy while adding employment opportunities.

I had to chuckle when you stated " we will not allow this here." What else will you "not allow here" big guy?


Posted 11:30 am, 07/24/2014

From: http://myfox8.com/2014/07/1...te-budget/

Sen. Brock "...believes that the data will show there is not much worth drilling for in the basins." He wants

$1,000,000 added to the budget for exploration to prove there is nothing there worth drilling for? Now, who do you think is going to pay for this waste of $1M? As to jobs this will create? Temporary jobs...won't last over

3 - 5 years. And what will the land be worth after they come in, do their drilling thing, and leave? Or worse, if they find some small amount and stay for 5 years, then leave?


Posted 11:30 pm, 07/23/2014

Fracking will destroy our drinking water They inject poison chemicals into the water table on a massive scale. Anyone in favor of this is a fool. We will not allow this here.


Posted 9:23 pm, 07/23/2014

What do you have against fracking? It has been proven safe in many parts of the US and in those areas, the economy is booming. This is great news for an area such as ours where many people have to leave the county to find any hope of decent wages.


Posted 8:06 pm, 07/21/2014


Posted 8:02 pm, 07/21/2014


Everyone better read this! Something tells me this guy probably does not have Yadkin County in his best interest. Follow the link above and go to the meeting at Courtney Elementary on August 5th.

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