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Deep Creek Kennel dog attack.


Posted 12:50 pm, 11/14/2012

Yes, and the Winston-Salem Journal should be ashamed of themselves for trying to make Sheriff Oliver look bad for having the decency to respect the family.

Sheriff Oliver, please do not give in to those sensationalists.


Posted 12:29 pm, 11/14/2012

Taking a cue from the statement of the sheriff, I strongly suspect that this family just wants some privacy at this time of grief. I respect that.
Nothing to see here that concerns you. Move on.


Posted 6:55 am, 11/14/2012

Whats your problem busy mommie? Someone not paying you enough attention?

Walks the Talk

Posted 12:09 am, 11/14/2012

upearly: You are obviously a very decent person. Your posts were so caring, and respectful.
I'm off of this thread, also, especially after the comment from
Sometimes, people are just plain ignorant.


Posted 7:01 pm, 11/13/2012

Well..... that's a shocking comment.. Really? It's obvious your struggling and very angry about the situation. Why don't you call the Sheriff and share your comments and concerns, he might have the answers your looking for....if not right away, later. It will be public record after they conclude their investigation....

goodbye goyadkin


Posted 6:36 pm, 11/13/2012

@upearly - Your saying the dog was not alone with the baby - so I guess the mom let the dog have it?


Posted 6:03 pm, 11/13/2012

Wasn't much of a report was it.


Posted 5:13 pm, 11/13/2012

My heart goes out to this family.

But, this was not an "unpreventable" accident... I agree this was an accident.. But I disagree with it being unpreventable.

I love dogs but I love my children more.....

No way would I have allowed this dog or any dog to be around a three month old that cannot defend themselves.


Posted 5:13 pm, 11/13/2012

Again, in our attempt to make sense of this tragedy...especially one that is so sad... we can make improper assumptions about the situation....We can not assume that a dog was left alone with a baby....that is purely conjecture.

Are there any planned Church Services for the baby? Or, anywhere people could send cards or flowers?


Posted 4:23 pm, 11/13/2012

The news calls this an unpreventable accident. How is leaving a baby alone with a 150lb dog and "unpreventable" accident?


Posted 3:22 pm, 11/13/2012

The owner has always said "Its not the breed but how you raise them" and this was a prize winning dog. Just goes to show.


Posted 1:59 pm, 11/13/2012

Well said, H202wine - If you had not started this thread, I would have not known about it. Not sure why it never hit the news but it should have been covered. People that own these type of dogs get too comfortable with their demeaner and think they would never hurt anyone. I think the more coverage, the more people will think twice about owning these type of dogs.


Posted 12:37 pm, 11/13/2012

Let me start by saying, I am not accusing the family member who owned the dog of any intentional detriment to her family. Of course not! Certainly no one wanted this to happen. I just wanted to know if the dog would be "put down." As a neighbor in fairly close proximity, I feel I was justifiably concerned, and being uneducated on these issues I felt this a prudent place to ask as I would think there were some who may know the policies. It does escape me though how many people in general can continually turn a blind eye toward the countless number of reported attacks by these particular breeds (Pitts, Rotts). I know there are other breeds that are probably capable of such as well, but certainly these two "stick out." I have never owned one and never will so I don't understand their nature (good or bad), but certainly I have seen the countless reports of these tragedies involving particularly children and these breeds. One look at the website and you can see that the owner NEVER believed the dog(s) could be capable of such an act as the public photo gallery clearly shows the dog(s) with children. I know these breeds will always be a part of our society, but I am just amazed at how owners can defend their breed's history. In many dog attacks involving children, you are told that the child provoked the dog in some way and in some cases I'm sure that is true. However, that is not the case here as the child was too young. I will never understand fully the behavior of animals in general, but the evidence here is clear in my mind; these particular dogs are simply too dangerous to be around children (and adults too as there are of course documented cases of attacks on adults as well). My heart breaks that this well-thought-of local family has to be yet another statistic. In regards to it being out of the news by design, and I'm not saying it needs to be splashed around for community fodder, feeding the need for drama, but I would almost bet that if it happened in a lesser blessed family that it would more likely be in the media. Sad, but true. That's just an observation, and not meant to insinuate that there is a 'cover up' of any kind going. Who knows? The family may come out and start an educational program for the public, a process that might help them heal and educate others at the same time. I think I'm through commenting on the subject as I wouldn't want to be accused of fueling drama (which I'm sure someone will likely do). I'm just happy to know that at least that particular dog will not be a threat to anyone else.


Posted 7:54 am, 11/13/2012

Its amazing this tragedy has remained out of the news or is it by design. Some of you have posted tid bits of information only to provoke more questions. The only proof in this story is from two medical professionals who were by the way wrongfully chastised. I have my doubts now this will ever hit the news reading between the lines. One calls this an accident, well if so accidents are preventable. Others learn from others mistakes so as they are not repeated.


Posted 7:00 am, 11/13/2012

Well said upearly... I can't imagine what they must be going through...


Posted 6:01 am, 11/13/2012

While the facts of a situation are always of great interest to people when a tragedy occurs, both for understanding and communicating, we do need to be careful. Perhaps our focus as a community of faith and friends should be to lift up, stand up and support them.....lets focus on what can be done to help the family....let us reach out in compassion and be less focused on the whys. We need to reach out and show them the love of Christ.


Posted 11:16 pm, 11/12/2012

Fiesta, it is my understanding that the dog did belong to a member of the family; hopefully the guilt most assuredly felt will pass with time. So sad. Glad to know the dog was euthanized; I would think that would be required by law with any animal under these unfortunate circumstances

Nature 7

Posted 10:22 pm, 11/12/2012

Thank you, Kitkat.23. I understand.


Posted 8:29 pm, 11/12/2012

@Nature7: it's not a HIPPA violation because no one has given out any identifing information. Someone can say they know the parties involved, but as long as no names are mentioned, it's not against any law.

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