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Deep Creek Kennel dog attack.

Walks the Talk

Posted 10:46 pm, 11/29/2012

You can call the business and find out first hand if you need to make an appointment.


Posted 11:56 am, 11/29/2012

it was so sad about this - i hope they are doing ok. Are they still open?


Posted 12:57 pm, 11/21/2012

You are so right, dark side. God forbid any of these people who feign concern while chomping at the bit to judge this family should ever suffer a horrible accident in their own family. Try putting yourselves in their shoes. They need support, not criticism.

dark side

Posted 9:12 am, 11/21/2012

It would be nice if you people would leave this family alone. I am sure this family feels bad enough without some of you trying to make them guilty of murder. Why are you people such haters?

Walks the Talk

Posted 10:09 pm, 11/20/2012

Babies/children pictures with all types of dogs are posed together in newspapers, on products, on FB, magazines, in homes, in some hospitals, etc... just all-around. They ride in autos together, play together, and lie with each other. It would be impossible to separate dogs of the world with children of the world.
Cannot imagine what this family is going through, and will for the rest of their lives.


Posted 5:34 pm, 11/20/2012

For me, it is enough to know a dog, thinking it was a toy, killed a baby. The end result is the saddest thing ever. Cannot imagine the pain in the family.

Are you saying this dog thought the infant was a toy? Like in a toy laying around on a floor? Surely this defenseless, 3 month old child was not laying on a floor in the presence of dogs,,, any kind of dog for that matter. They do make cribs, pack and plays, bassinets,etc, etc for them to use.

Yes it is the saddest thing for that baby to endure this....

here today gone tomorrow

Posted 7:55 pm, 11/19/2012

Somebody remind me what a forum means? I thought that's where people talk about stuff.

here today gone tomorrow

Posted 7:28 pm, 11/19/2012

Well that's one way of killing a child you don't want is to have a dog do it for you. That way you don't go to jail for life and all you have to do is have the dog euthanized. So there are reasons why they do investigations so that it doesn't get swept under the rug as just a mere accident. If this gets out publicly hit men could lose their jobs to dogs.

Disclaimer: I am not accusing these people of doing that.


Posted 2:53 pm, 11/19/2012

Its hard to get anymore dead than this thread.

Walks the Talk

Posted 3:50 am, 11/19/2012

They leave their kids in the car? And how smart is THAT?
"A right to know"????
Again, vultures. Nothing but vultures.

"....hide information which makes people on the outside suspicious."
Are you kidding me?? I AM NOT suspicious.

Why is this 'our' business? Unless you are involved in the story, it is not your business.

"....The family will never be able to grieve until the whole story is told. Secrets only fester"
And how do WE know how the family will grieve? And why call it a 'secret' ?

Let it go, vultures. Be patient in hearing every tiny little detail.. For me, it is enough to know a dog, thinking it was a toy, killed a baby. The end result is the saddest thing ever. Cannot imagine the pain in the family.


Posted 10:55 am, 11/18/2012

Yes they need their time to greive but yes i feel we have a right to know and understand what happened to this little child that was just taken. and as for a recent comment.....No i donot have infants or toddlers running around in my shop!!! Most parents leave their child in car while picking up or dropping off, and i dont have my own child in my shop. Thats a liability that i don't want. But alot of them (groomers) do take their kids to work with them... I just dont feel its a place for kids.

I love Yadkin

Posted 9:52 am, 11/17/2012

They were offered a free funeral but declined quickly. It is so sad. I pray for this family to find peace after this terrible tragedy.


Posted 6:32 am, 11/17/2012

From what I have pieced together here the dog did nothing wrong and did not go crazy. Obviously the dog had not been around children, guessing here and kept in the shop and fenced kennel. The child was put in the floor with a cap of multiple colors and the dog only thought it was a toy of his.

just sayin

Posted 4:28 pm, 11/16/2012

Sad that I found out more info. about an Illinois woman who died from a dog attack than I did about this infant who is local.


Here's another story about another dog attack.


Must be something in the air causing dogs to go crazy.


Posted 9:16 am, 11/16/2012

Walks the talk - Yes a precious little baby is gone in a very strange way. Outsiders would grieve with the family and circle around with love if we knew who they were and knew what really happened. But the family chooses to hide information which makes people on the outside suspicious. This should have been in Saturday morning's paper. Instead, it did not hit the paper until Tuesday. If it were an accident, why is the investigation not finished? And if it were not for Go-Yadkin lots of people would not have found out about the tragedy .


Posted 6:40 am, 11/16/2012

I really doubt the family is reading goyadkin, when something this horrific takes place it catches people off guard and they look for a place to vent and just happens to be here. No one expects the family to come on here and testify before goyadkin. People only desire to know what happened so as to deal with their on grief in this tragedy. The most absurd comment I heard is its no ones business as has been already eluded to. So the statements of let the family grieve are off target and for you bible thumpers why are you not using what your great book says and celebrate.

Walks the Talk

Posted 11:15 pm, 11/15/2012

Can any of you WAIT a little bit?
Is there anything else that perhaps you could find to do until the investigation is over?
Maybe when some of the grieving is over, you can go pound on their door and demand answers. Be sure and get details so you can race back to Go,Yadkin and brag about what you learned.
Does it not resonate AT ALL to you all that a precious baby is gone- yes, by an animal- but the baby is gone. And THAT is the sadness at THIS moment.


Posted 6:01 pm, 11/15/2012



Posted 5:55 pm, 11/15/2012

Honestly Vicki - It is everyones business when something this horrific happens to a 3 month old baby. Since the investigation is still ongoing, according to the paper, people will continue to speculate until all the facts come out. I doubt Mastergroomer has children hanging around her shop while she grooms because of liability. The family and the authorities do owe the public an explanation of what really happened because of the unusual death and until the whole truth is told, expect everyone to speculate. The family will never be able to grieve until the whole story is told. Secrets only fester.


Posted 3:08 pm, 11/15/2012

Vickie you are an idiot.

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