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Posted 8:11 pm, 12/07/2014

The Thurs night group is for parents of children birth to age five. It's not a school age group.


Posted 4:03 pm, 12/07/2014

Bestill, you are absolutely right. Most people don't understand the significance of this. It is in no way being disrespectful or not listening. My 4 year old autistic son processes verbal instructions better when he stands slightly to my side. Also, aspiemom, there is a support group for all parents of special needs children that meets every Thursday night at Wilkes Family Central (the old Lincoln Heights or Career Center) from 5:30 to 7:30. Child care is provided. Call Norma at 828-964-8371 for more information.


Posted 10:01 am, 12/07/2014


Posted 4:44 pm, 12/06/2014



Posted 4:32 pm, 12/06/2014

One piece of advice for parents and teachers. Never insist that an autist "look" at you. That is a neuro typical habit that assists NT's in processing information. Autist's brains process better when vision is perifery. Something about corneal mapping and the brain. You can cause a lot of confusion with all that "Look at me!" Crud.


Posted 4:16 pm, 12/06/2014

Sounds like a lovely girl.


Posted 7:50 am, 12/06/2014

My daughter, 14, hates noise. She gets increasingly agitated and mad until the noise stops. She doesn't like to be touched unless she initiates it. She concentrates on art and writing to the exclusion of everything, even eating if I don't make her do it. If it is a food she doesn't like, she just won't eat. We went out last night to dinner and she was starving. I asked what she ate all day. Sliced peaches at lunch. She didn't like the breakfast or lunch, so she opted not to eat at all. She hates long sleeves because they are tight, wears the same jacket every day because it's loose and will not deviate from this until I force her to switch jackets so I can wash the original. If people lie, she gets extremely annoyed. If she thinks something is unfair, she will argue it forever. She will go an entire day with being quiet. Not speaking at all. On positive notes, she smiles. She makes eye contact now. She is extremely polite. She will hug and cuddle on occasion. Once in a while she will want to be girly and wear a skirt and makeup. She is smart and strong. She likes to please people. We have been pushing for a diagnosis for YEARS . We go to another specialist in January, so here's hoping.


Posted 11:11 pm, 12/05/2014

---- thought--- not turkey . It's late . I have an I'm tired disorder.


Posted 11:08 pm, 12/05/2014

Aspergers and PDD NOS ,were dissolved as a diagnosis with the release of the DSM5 . Now children who have autism are just on the spectrum... I feel just as ADHD diagnosis have spiraled out of control ,so has autism . While there are children who actually have autism .i somehow doubt the all the sudden uprise in diagnosis are completely accurate . I have had to take my step sister to the epilepsy institute,and watched the extensive "testing" process . I think at this particular testing spot,if you want your child to have a diagnosis ,you will leave with one . My nephew whom is extremely bright . Surpassed his grade level work by 4+ levels . His teachers weren't sure how to teach him . It was suggested that because he was " super smart" he maybe had Aspergers . He lives to read ,he will do anything to earn a trip to the library. . She took this information to the epilepsy institute . And answered some questions on a sheet of paper with no evidence ,just her giving info, 2 weeks later he was labeled as autistic(Aspergers) ,ADHD,Pdd Nos .and ODD When did kids being smart need a diagnosis . Can't we just have smart children . It's not unheard of . I feel like this place does such a disservice to the children who do have this disorder. If I turkey thought my child had an issue I would search other testing places than this . When Dss removed him from his mother ,we asked that his caseworker get him a referral to a different testing source . While his IQ score was the only consistent finding ,They found no diagnosis,they agreed he is exceptionally smart, He does not any longer require an IEP.


Posted 9:55 pm, 12/05/2014

I see now that it's actually a private facility, contrary to what the name implies. Now I follow.


Posted 9:47 pm, 12/05/2014

The epilepsy Institute does a variety of testing including testing for autism. My kids were referred there due to delays shown in their school work. They were tested for adhd, autism, developmental delays, as well as iq testing and to see where they stood grade wise in writing, reading, and mathematics. All this testing was done before the tests for epilepsy


Posted 8:33 pm, 12/05/2014

The Autism Society can help get you organized locally but they do partner with Autism Speaks which sucks. They used to have a local chapter and can create one again but I really cringe about the Autism Speaks Connection. That being said, they also partner with some exceptionally good Autism Orgs so you just have weed out the bad and focus on the good.


Posted 8:25 pm, 12/05/2014

Why is the epilepsy institute diagnosing asperger's?


Posted 8:07 pm, 12/05/2014

Aspergers and PDD-NOS no longer exist.


Posted 6:04 pm, 12/05/2014

I know Emily Eller has a kid like this. She has been wanting to start a support group. Message her about this


Posted 5:48 pm, 12/05/2014

I am an Aspie mom. I have 1 with Aspergers and one with PDD-NOS


Posted 9:29 am, 12/05/2014

Two of three of my kids are asperger. They were diagnosed at the epilepsy Institute of nc. Awesome group of doctors

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 7:57 am, 12/05/2014

for those who have children with Asperger's....know this these children do very well....as long as you have the School who embraces the program... I know that Wilkes Central High School has a program set up....know sure about the Elementary Schools but once again as the old saying goes the squeaky wheel gets the grease,,, so for parents with children who need the support go head to head with Principle in a supportive way for your child's Education... do let us know who did the testing... there may be others who are not aware that their child may need this help... if its one or more in the family know there are people out there to assist.....Foggymorninig and Aspiemon keep us updated....Bless your child and you.....


Posted 6:50 am, 12/05/2014

Mine is being tested for Aspergers in January.


Posted 12:17 am, 12/05/2014

I once met a family who all 3 of the kids had aspergers. You may be more successful finding a group in Winston. I hope you find what you're looking for though. It good to find others with common ground and support.

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